{مصطفى} \ {mustafa}

Finding the optimal machine learning algorithm for your data had never been easier.

About {مصطفى} / {mustafa}

مصطفى is an arabic name (read as mustafa in English) and by definition it means the chosen one. In the context of this library that would be your optimal ML algorithm being mustafa

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from mustafapy import mustafa
m = mustafa()

# Select algorithms based on how they function

from mustafapy import mustafa
m = mustafa(atype='class') // "reg" for regression

# Fetches all available classification models and their parameters

# Select algorithms by their names

from mustafapy import mustafa
m = mustafa(selection=['RadiusNeighborsClassifier', 'BernoulliNB', 'CategoricalNB'])

# Fetches the listed and their parameters

# The default value for 'precision' is 1, the higher the value the more variety in numerical
# Hyperstep is the step between the generated numbers
# hyperparameters values

from mustafapy import mustafa
m = mustafa(precision=3,hyperstep=3)

# every numerical hyperparameter will have at most 3 values set

# Set the number of hyperparameters to fetch for each algorith, default value is "max" which
# fetches all of them

from mustafapy import mustafa
m = mustafa(maxattrs=1)

# for each algorithm only the first two hyperparameters will be fetched

# Assuming your cleaned dataset is in X and y variables

from mustafapy import mustafa
m = mustafa(selection=['MLPClassifier', 'KNeighborsClassifier', 'NearestCentroid'],

# 'MLPClassifier', 'KNeighborsClassifier', 'NearestCentroid' these algorithms with 2 attributes and 3
# values at most for each attribute will be fetched, 

Stop looking

Everything you need in one place, stop looking for algorithms, stop setting hyperparameters manually. Generate tens to hundreds of them in an instant

Code less. Produce more

Write minimal code and maximize your output. Focus on what is important and leave repetitiveness for {مصطفى} to handle

What people say about {mustafa}

Imagine spending more than a minute setting up for machine learning, what an amazing library. I am not being biased believe me (totally)

Mustafa Alhamad


If I had a penny for every minute I spent setting up, I would have quitted my job. Now I cannot because I would not get any.

a wonderful person

Non existent person :(

© {mustafa} All Rights Reserved to Mustafa Al Hamad 2022
© sci-kit learn is not affiliated with this library and all rights of sci-kit learn library reserved to them

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